Saturday, January 17, 2009

Unimaginable food that helps shed the Pounds


The 7 Best Foods for Weight Loss

Losing weight is not about starving yourself and subsisting on seltzer.

Eat too little and the only place you'll feel lighter is your head.

Plus, research shows that any pounds you lose will likely come back--plus more.

One of the healthiest ways to shed pounds for good is to eat power foods that are naturally filling, nutrient-packed and, yes, proven to help you peel off pounds.

Pile your plate with these prize possessions! Steak

Women on a diet that included red meat lost more weight than those eating equal calories but little beef, according to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

One reason: The protein in lean cuts of steak helps you keep muscle mass during weight loss, and muscle incinerates more calories than fat, so you will shed more stubborn pudge.

Try it: Grill or broil a 4-ounce serving of top round or sirloin; slice thinly to top a salad, or mix with veggies for fajitas.

Eggs The breakfast staple can trim off inches all over. Research from the Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge found that women on a low-calorie diet who ate an egg with toast and jelly each morning lost twice as many pounds as those who had a bagel breakfast with the same number of calories but no eggs.

Turns out, egg protein is particularly satisfying, so you liikely eat less during the course of the day.Try it: Enjoy a morning omelette or frittata, or top your lunchtime salad with hard-boiled eggs.

Lentils These beans can help banish belly bloat and reduce your belt size. Chock full of protein and soluble fiber, lentils can stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent insulin spikes that cause your body to create excess fat, especially in the abdominal area.

Try it: Toss lentils in soups, salads or pasta sauce. Or try this delicious Lentil Pilaf with Turkey Sausage.

Pomegranates Low in calories, this fruit gets high marks for taste and nutritional content, thanks to a healthy dose of folate, fiber and disease-deterring antioxidants.

Try it: Skip the juice and snack on the seeds instead. Toss them into salad in place of nuts. Or try these Pomegranate and Cranberry Bellinis from Giada DeLaurentiis (one of her holiday faves).

Chiles Some like it hot, and for good reason. Eating spicy numbers will spike your metabolism, courtesy of a compound in chiles called capsaicin, which helps the body burn extra calories for 20 minutes after you eat them.

Bonus: It can be downright painful to inhale a plate of chiles, so you'll eat slower, allowing your brain adequate time to register that it is full and prevent overeating.

Try it: Sample the savory entree that chef Nigella Lawson shared with SELF.QuinoaIt might be hard to pronounce (it's KEEN-wah), but eating quinoa offers a simple way to ward off the munchies.

The grain is teeming with fiber (2.6 grams per 1/2 cup) and protein to keep you humming and hunger-free for hours.

Try it: Replace the rice in stir-fries with quinoa. ParmesanSay cheese! Women who had one serving of whole milk or cheese daily were less likely to gain weight over time, a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition finds.

Dieters who ate low fat varieties of dairy did not experience the same benefit. Why? Whole dairy may contain more conjugated linoleic acid, which could assist in the fat-burning department.

And since Parmesan is so flavorful, you only need a few sprinkles to gain maximum flavor without compromising its pound-shedding power.

Try it: Grate Parmesan over veggies such as broccoli or asparagus, or pair a 1-ounce portion with an apple. For more recipes and fat-fighting foods, log on to and check out 20 Superfoods for Weight Loss. Then sign up for our Jump Start Diet plan to help you shed pounds the healthy way for good!

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