Sunday, October 5, 2008

An Autumn Red Carpeted depature

we wish love would linger
like flaming autumn a mood
so absorbing like the eons we
could spend in each other's eyes

time comes in circles and the leaves
play them out so well so green once
and now so red to accent their triumph
in keeping the host so cheerful and alive
a new dress, new look for a season of a
celebration of love and a swirling farewell

the wind comes as a friend to orchestrate
a grand departure, full of dance and songs
they clap and slap each other's back to
brazen up, they sigh and cry their last
separation song before diving our mind

to waltz in a frenzy into the circles of time

john tiong chunghoo

1 comment:

penny said...

ooh john, this is brilliant! am surrounded by an autumn red carpet here by the cliffs, and a thick blanket of gold on the paths outside.
