Saturday, November 8, 2008

Autumn Sonata - A Celebration of Love a Poem

love was the lake in your two eyes
which you afforded me to swim in
taking me whole into your cherish
our joy jumped like fishes in spring waters

love is the road we have both vowed
to take hand in hand, heart to heart
spring, summer, autumn and winter
breathing in each other's breath
surviving on each other's strengths
and weaknesses taking challenges
like roses that bow and dance in the winds

love will be the maple each autumn
paints to celebrate a love tale in
red blood passion before they trail
into divinity hands whispering
and sighing for an eternal blessing
the joy of two fishes jumping in spring waters

A response taken from the Mike Writing Workshop
Yahoo group:

I don't post here very often but I thought this poem deserved somerecognition. Lol, I've been on this list a while and its so easy toget lost in the shuffle of all the different topics that everyonecomments on...which is a good thing,for an online group,its alwaysactive.:)I liked this, the flow was unusual yet beautiful in a haunting wayand the imagery was superb...the line "love will be the maple thateach autumn paints.." is, quite simply,perfect.I love finding small submissions like this among all the discussionthat goes on....don't get me wrong,I like all the issues and pros andcons that are brought up....but every now and then something likethis pops up amidst it all....and reminds me,this is why we write.Excellent job, John.Tyler

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